Reflections on Body Theology: 10 Things I Appreciate about My Sexuality

1) The way getting my period routinely reminds me of my ability to create a new human being inside my body

2) The ability to experience such unique pleasure and intimacy with another human being

3) The give-and-take involved in shared sexuality with another human being

4) The ability to emotionally bond with another human being through a physical act

5) How our sexual nature unites all humanity in basic human experience

6) How my sexual nature unites me with the sexual nature of Christ who took on human form to be with us

7) How sexual experience–like eating and drinking, hiking, or even bathing–can be at once physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual

8) How sexual experience–like contemplation–engages all my physical, emotional, and mental energy

9) The way sexual experience is both a release and a gain

10) The way sexual experience is creative in its possibility for new life–figuratively and literally

About Laura K. Cavanaugh

I'm a writer, spiritual director, and advocate of holistic body theology.

Posted on March 20, 2012, in Incarnation of Christ, Physicality, Sexuality, Spirituality and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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